one God. one message. one village.
Connecting People Through the Love of Christ - Spirit, Soul and Body.
Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.
1 Thessalonians 5:23

who we are.
our staff. our story. learn more about our organization.
what we do.
Our desire is to love people well. we believe that should include caring for every aspect of their lives - spirit, soul and body.

you serve.
we welcome your group to join us in being the hands and feet of Christ in Belize.

you stay.
Our facility is a place for people to connect and thrive. A place to heal and develop healthy relationships. A place to learn and, most importantly, experience a loving God.
thank you.
If it were not for the prayers, sacrifices and generosities of individuals like you, our ministry would not be able to remain a beacon of light in central Belize. On behalf of our entire village - thank you for sharing what God has provided to you.
Support. Serve. Stay. Living our testimonies together.
Feel free to contact us with any questions using email or phone.
011 (501) 613-8487 or 613-8060 (Also available on WHATSAPP or MESSENGER @ Joey Heather Barrs)